Frontmania Conference timetable is here!


Frontmania Conference timetable is here!

Frontmania Conference 2022 is coming in less than a month at Jaarbeurs Utrecht on the 5th of October! The line-up has been released and these awesome speakers will take you on a deep dive in the world of frontend.

It’s the frontend Conference of the year, you can’t miss out on. With the best of the best international and national frontend speakers bringing quality content.


Keep your skills razor sharp

The frontend world is evolving fast and it doesn’t wait on you! Get your ticket now, for just €169,- and keep your skills razor sharp with access to 25+ deep dive sessions, hands-on workshops and inspiring keynotes.

Some of the sessions you can expect:

Confessions from an Impostor

You know what impostor syndrome is, right!? Most all of us have felt that nagging feeling that we’re faking it and that we’re sure to be found out at any moment. But before you go assuming this talk is the same ol’ song full of platitudes that encourage you to ignore that syndrome, let me clue you in on a little secret: There’s no experts around you.

Kyle Simpson

Container Queries: The next step towards a truly modular CSS

Great things are a foot. Container Queries, which allow you to style elements based on their ancestors dimensions, a feature requested by many since the advent of component-based front-end architectures met the principles of responsive webdesign, is finally in active development.

Maarten van Hoof


Building Figma’s Widget Code Generator

Widgets are custom, interactive objects you place in a file to extend functionality and make

everything a bit more fun. They are written in a declarative style similar to React components, which gets translated to become a node on the canvas. So can you go the other way, from canvas to code? Yes! We’ll discuss how we used the public Figma plugin API to generate widget code from a design file, and make a working widget together using this.

Jenny Lea



Frontmania Conference 2022 Partners

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Get in contact here.

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