IoT Developers Day 2015 – Keynote Frank Wammes deel 2


IoT Developers Day 2015 – Keynote Frank Wammes deel 2

Things will change our lives. We will be connected to potentially every object in the world and the data gathered from this will drive decision making into a whole new perspective. But it is not the Thing as such that developers should be focused on. It is the Service we can build out of connecting with the Things. Think about Uber, it is not so much the Taxi replacement, it is making a new services based on sensor location, social networks and new ways of earning. That is the service that is provided towards customers and drivers, all based on a connected world. This presentation gives some small insights in the Things, the main part will be on the challenge to drive the Service out of it. What is the impact on the mindset of a developer to really drive value out of the connected world. Will you be building Things the rest of your life, or will you make a Dent in the Service Universe?

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