J-Fall 2015 Speaker Marc Evers, Rob Westgeest & Willem vd Ende – Property Based Testing, By Example


J-Fall 2015 Speaker Marc Evers, Rob Westgeest & Willem vd Ende – Property Based Testing, By Example

Most unit/integration testing as we know it is example-based: we describe examples of how the code under test behaves in our favourite testing framework. Property based testing is a new and promising approach to automated unit testing. It is very different from example-based approaches: in property based testing, you don’t write examples but you describe properties of the code under test (statements about the outputs based on the inputs). Based on this, a property-based test framework generates many different inputs and checks if the code under test satisfies everything. It started in QuickCheck in the functional programming language Haskell and currently frameworks are available for many languages, from Java/Scala to C++. Property based testing forces you to think carefully about specifications: what are the preconditions, postconditions, invariants? It looks like a useful new tool for the crafts(wo)man’s tool chest. This session will give you a good impression of how it works and what possible applications could be.

Bio van Marc Evers, Rob Westgeest & Willem van den Ende Marc works as an independent coach, trainer and consultant in the field of (agile) software development and software processes. Marc develops true learning organizations that focus on continuous reflection and improvement: apply, inspect, adapt. Marc also organizes workshops and conferences on agile and lean software development, extreme programming, systems thinking, theory of constraints, and effective communication. Marc is co-founder of the Agile Open and XP Days Benelux conferences.

After years of experience with Object Oriented Software Development with UML, several development processes and project approaches as developer, architect, trainer and project leader, Rob worked on his first XP project in 2000. And with great success! He supports projects and people in the application of agile practices, principles and values since then. Rob develops himself and others continuously by visiting, organising and hosting workshops at conferences and user group meetings like SPA, XP Days, XP-NL and Agile Open.

Willem is a Dutch eXtreme Programming pioneer. As a coach, developer and coach he guides organisations in introducing agile software development since 1999.

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