J-Fall 2018: Jorrit van der Ven & Gijs Leussink – Why you should embrace Gradle and ditch Maven


J-Fall 2018: Jorrit van der Ven & Gijs Leussink – Why you should embrace Gradle and ditch Maven

Still using Maven as a build tool in your projects? If so, are you using it because you think it is a great tool, or just because you’ve always done it this way? Within 15 minutes we’ll share with you the reasons that made us ditch Maven and fall in love with our build tool again. Be aware though, after you’ve visited this quickie there is a big chance you’ll find yourself migrating all your projects tonight. Luckily, this is easier than you might think.

Jorrit van der Ven

Jorrit is a Java Developer at JDriven. He has more than 10 years of experience in Java development, but doesn’t mind to get his hands dirty with other programming languages as well, even when they don’t run on the JVM…

In his spare time he likes to make his house a bit smarter using wires, chips and a soldering iron.

Gijs Leussink

Gijs Leussink is a Java technologist at JDriven. As contractor he worked with key players in finance, mobility, automotive, telecom and scientific industries to help them sustainably minimise lead time to business impact (thanks Dan North). Besides delivering features to users with as little code as possible, he’s very much passionately involved in improving deployment pipelines.

Gijs lives with his family in Breda, Netherlands

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