J-Fall 2018: Paco van Beckhoven – Keeping your head cool with serverless voice controlled fan


J-Fall 2018: Paco van Beckhoven – Keeping your head cool with serverless voice controlled fan

Do you also wake up sweating during those hot summer nights, but you are too lazy to get out of bed to turn a fan on? Using serverless with Firebase Cloud Functions, Google Assistant, a Raspberry Pi and a bit of wiring I turned my old fan in a state of the art fan with voice control and automatic temperature regulation. Now I enjoy the luxury of no longer having to get up to turn it on/off when it’s too hot, cold or noisy. In this talk I will show you how easy it is to give your fan a second life while you are living a more luxurious life.

Paco van Beckhoven

Perfectionist. Full stack Java developer. Likes to make things move using code and some electronics. Challenges the world around him.

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