J-Spring 2019: Bert Ertman – Are We Really Cloud-Native?


J-Spring 2019: Bert Ertman – Are We Really Cloud-Native?

As Java developers we are used to adjusting ourselves in heterogeneous environments and so over the last ten years or so we gained experience with PaaS, VMs, Containers, DevOps, Continuous Integration and Microservices Architectures. Now a new phenomenon arises: building greenfield applications with the intent of using agile application development and architecting specifically for the Cloud a.k.a Cloud Native Computing. But are we really Cloud-Native because we use the latest and greatest in technology and run it on a (public) cloud platform? The modern Cloud is much more than just a virtualization platform. And is Java even a natural fit in such environments?

In this talk I will go beyond the hype of being Cloud-Native and focus instead on what being Cloud-Native actually requires in terms of skills and experience for Java Developers and how it will affect and impact traditional systems design.

Bio Bert

Fellow, and Director of Technology Outreach at Luminis. A frequent speaker on Java, Cloud, and software architecture all over the world. Book author, and serial conference organizer. Bert Ertman was awarded the coveted title of Java Champion in 2008, and is a JavaOne RockStar speaker and Duke’s Choice award winner.

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