Top 7 Backend Web Frameworks To Use In 2019

When it comes to web app development, frontend as well as the back end development, both play an important role in creating an amazing business website. The backend web frameworks consist of languages and tools used in server-side programming in a web application development environment. The key to the successful back end development of web… Continue reading Top 7 Backend Web Frameworks To Use In 2019


CSS Tricks – Preventing a Grid Blowout

Say you have a very simple CSS grid layout with one column fixed at 300px and another taking up the rest of the space at 1fr. .grid { display: grid; grid-template-columns: 1fr 300px; } That’s somewhat robust. That 1fr column will take up any remaining space left behind by the fixed 300px column. It’s true… Continue reading CSS Tricks – Preventing a Grid Blowout


How to Use the Animation Inspector in Chrome Developer Tools

Next time you’re putting together some CSS3-based animations you might find it helpful to jump into Chrome Developer Tools and take advantage of its animation inspection and tweaking features. In this quick tip we’ll give you a rundown of which animation dev tools are available in Chrome, how to access them, and what they can… Continue reading How to Use the Animation Inspector in Chrome Developer Tools


Is blockchain technology the new internet?

The blockchain is an undeniably ingenious invention – the brainchild of a person or group of people known by the pseudonym, Satoshi Nakamoto. But since then, it has evolved into something greater, and the main question every single person is asking is: What is Blockchain? By allowing digital information to be distributed but not copied, blockchain… Continue reading Is blockchain technology the new internet?


Java 11 is nu verkrijgbaar

Java 11 is nu verkrijgbaar De laatste release heeft talloze nieuwe features zoals nest-based access controls, VarHandles, dynamic class-file constants en nog veel meer. Echter, sommige typische Java features zijn ook verdwenen zoals Java FX en Web Start. Wil je meer informatie over Java 11 zoals alle features en wat er nog meer verdwenen is?… Continue reading Java 11 is nu verkrijgbaar
