Style your data plots in Python with Pygal – An introduction one of the more stylish Python plotting libraries


Style your data plots in Python with Pygal – An introduction one of the more stylish Python plotting libraries

Python is full of libraries that can visualize data. One of the more interactive options comes from Pygal, which I consider the library for people who like things to look good. It generates beautiful SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) files that users can interact with. SVG is a standard format for interactive graphics, and it can lead to rich user experiences with only a few lines of Python.

By: Shaun Taylor-Morgan |

Using Pygal for stylish Python plots

In this introduction, we want to recreate this multi-bar plot, which represents the UK election results from 1966 to 2020:

Before we go further, note that you may need to tune your Python environment to get this code to run, including the following.

  • Running a recent version of Python (instructions for LinuxMac, and Windows)
  • Verify you’re running a version of Python that works with these libraries

The data is available online and can be imported using pandas:

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('')

Now we’re ready to go. The data looks like this:

        year  conservative  labour  liberal  others
0       1966           253     364       12       1
1       1970           330     287        6       7
2   Feb 1974           297     301       14      18
..       ...           ...     ...      ...     ...
12      2015           330     232        8      80
13      2017           317     262       12      59
14      2019           365     202       11      72


Read the full article here.

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