Future Tech Masterclasses Live: Kenzie Whalen – Uno – A Platform to Rule Them All


Future Tech Masterclasses Live: Kenzie Whalen – Uno – A Platform to Rule Them All

Today’s users expect to be able to access their apps from multiple platforms but deploying to mobile, desktop, and web can be challenging even for a team of experienced developers. The Uno Platform allows developers to quickly develop and deploy to Android, iOS, UWP, and WebAssembly using a single shared codebase written in C# and XAML. We’ll go over the basics of developing with the Uno Platform, how Uno works under the hood, walk through some code, and see an app running live on all four platforms. You’ll walk away with a foundation in XAML and the ability to start writing and debugging your first app on the Uno Platform.

Bio Kenzie:

Kenzie is a mobile developer with a background in Agriculture. She is a developer for Infinity Interactive where she works mainly with Xamarin and .NET technologies. Kenzie loves to bring new tech to the community and especially loves reaching self-taught developers. When not writing code, Kenzie can be found blogging, rescuing dogs, or finding new vegan recipes.

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