J-Fall 2017 Speaker Oleg Šelajev – Performance pipeline and Java performance tools


J-Fall 2017 Speaker Oleg Šelajev – Performance pipeline and Java performance tools

This session describes the performance pipeline, a concept of mapping performance related work and activities towards the stages of a software delivery pipeline. The main idea behind the performance pipeline is being aware of the performance of your application and taking steps not to introduce performance regressions is a continuous process. We’ll list and explore the existing Java performance tools and when to apply them: profilers (general purpose and problem specific), micro/macro-benchmarks, memory leak analyzers, APM tools, load test libraries, etc. In the end, you’ll use the right tools and test the performance proactively, rather than solve problems your users report to you after the fact.

Bio Oleg Šelajev:
Oleg Šelajev is an engineer, author, speaker, lecturer and advocate at ZeroTurnaround. He spends his time testing, coding, writing, giving conference talks, crafting blogposts and reports. He is pursuing a PhD on Dynamic System updates and code evolution. Oleg is a part-time lecturer at the University of Tartu and enjoys speaking and participating in Java/JVM development conferences such as JavaOne, JavaZone, JFokus and others. In his free time, Oleg plays chess at a semi-grandmaster level, loves puzzles and solving all kinds of problems.

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