TEQnation 2022: Saskia Groenewegen – More than a Game: Future of Education and Work in the Metaverse


TEQnation 2022: Saskia Groenewegen – More than a Game: Future of Education and Work in the Metaverse

More than a Game: the Future of Education and Work in the Metaverse The Metaverse is often seen as the future of social media and gaming. But it can be so much more! Learn about the possibilies for immersive learning and how XR technologies like virtual, augmented and mixed reality can help people work faster, safer and with more fun. Ordina has been developing XR applications for a wide range of sectors, from agriculture to science, defense to industry and more. Over the last 8 years we have built more than 50 XR solutions for training and performance support, and during this talk I will walk you through some of them. Learn how farmers use AR glasses to navigate animal data, how mechanics work together remotely to do repairs on complex systems, and how future nurses train in virtual reality to prepare for work in a warzone. This talk will give you an overview over the possibilities and the benefits of XR technologies in many different work and training situations.

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