Customize your Raspberry Pi operating system for everyday use

Lighten up your Raspberry Pi even more by installing Raspberry Pi OS Lite. By: Patrick H. Mullins | If you have a Raspberry Pi running Raspberry Pi OS (previously known as Raspbian) operating system, you know it’s an awesome little computer with a great operating system for beginners that includes just about everything you… Continue reading Customize your Raspberry Pi operating system for everyday use


AWS lanceert de betaversie van Amazon Honeycode

AWS lanceert de bètaversie van Amazon Honeycode, een nieuwe, volledig beheerde low-code / no-code tool die het mogelijk maakt om web- en mobiele applicaties te bouwen zonder codering. Hiermee kunnen ontwikkelaars gratis apps bouwen voor maximaal 20 gebruikers en vervolgens betalen per gebruiker en daarna voor de opslag. De tool is afhankelijk van een database… Continue reading AWS lanceert de betaversie van Amazon Honeycode


Develop applications without coding knowledge, with Amazon’s Honeycode

Focused black female programmer coding new computer language while working on desktop PC in the office.

The new tool Honeycode, announced by Amazon, can help businesses develop applications without needing to know how to code.  By Ryan Daws The new tool comes specifically from Amazon Web Services and is designed to help their clients to craft interactive apps using a simple visual builder. Amazon promises Honeycode will enable businesses to “create… Continue reading Develop applications without coding knowledge, with Amazon’s Honeycode


Make the switch from Mac to Linux easier with Homebrew

Whether you want to ease your migration from Mac to Linux or just don’t like the standard Linux package managers, give Homebrew a try. By: Matthew Broberg | The Homebrew project began its life as an unofficial Linux-style package manager for the Mac. Its users quickly fell in love with its friendly interface and helpful prompts,… Continue reading Make the switch from Mac to Linux easier with Homebrew


5 modern alternatives to essential Linux command-line tools

Gain new benefits by improving your old command-line tools with updated alternatives. In our daily use of Linux/Unix systems, we use many command-line tools to complete our work and to understand and manage our systems—tools like du to monitor disk utilization and top to show system resources. Some of these tools have existed for a… Continue reading 5 modern alternatives to essential Linux command-line tools


When not to use AIops for cloudops

There’s a lot of excitement around AIops, this can sometimes mean that it’s being deployed for the wrong reasons. Here are a few situations where AIops is contraindicated. By David Linthicum Artificial intelligence for IT operation platforms, better known as AIops, is an evolving and expanded use of technologies that for the past several years… Continue reading When not to use AIops for cloudops


Linux tools for improving your time management

Whether you need help to stay focused, maintain timeliness, or find shortcuts to avoid repetition, these Linux tools have you covered. By: Sudeshna Sur | Productivity is a subjective term, but essentially, it’s a measurement of how efficiently a particular task is completed. Everyone has different things that keep them productive—some people need help… Continue reading Linux tools for improving your time management


The UK is helping to solve a serious contact-tracing API issue

The UK is helping to solve a serious issue with Google and Apple’s contact-tracing API after failing to develop a centralised alternative. It’s not clear on which date the contact-tracing app will be deployed, it was previously said that the app would be available around mid-May. Speaking at a press conference last week, British health… Continue reading The UK is helping to solve a serious contact-tracing API issue


Introducing GitHub Super Linter: one linter to rule them all

Setting up a new repository with all the right linters for the different types of code can be time consuming and tedious. So many tools and configurations to choose from and often more than one linter is needed to cover all the languages used. By: Lucas Gravley | GitHub Blog. The GitHub Super Linter was built… Continue reading Introducing GitHub Super Linter: one linter to rule them all


This open source project is using Python, SQL and Docker to understand coronavirus health data

Django and Python developers working alongside clinicians and researchers have built a new analytics platform that looks at electronic health records for 24 million people. By: Jo Best | ZDnet. As the largest health provider in the world, the NHS holds an unparalleled amount of health data, which scientists and researchers should be able to… Continue reading This open source project is using Python, SQL and Docker to understand coronavirus health data
