iOS 14 will reportedly support on-device Xcode development

Apple’s developers look set to be able to use Xcode on iDevices following the release of iOS 14 later this year. By: Ryan Daws | TechForge Media. Xcode has only ever been officially supported on Mac. However, according to Jon Prosser, founder of YouTube channel Front Page Tech, that’s about to change. On Monday, Prosser… Continue reading iOS 14 will reportedly support on-device Xcode development


Performance Co-Pilot – Monitoring in een modern jasje

Aan tools voor performance monitoring is er geen gebrek in Linux: denk maar aan top, vmstat, iostat, enzovoorts. Moderne distributies bevatten een prima alternatief voor al die traditionele tools: PCP of Performance Co-Pilot. In deze workshop leggen we uit hoe je daarmee start. Geschreven door: Filip Vervloesem. Wie al enige ervaring heeft met performance monitoring, heeft… Continue reading Performance Co-Pilot – Monitoring in een modern jasje


De eerste editie NLJUG Masterclass Live

De NLJUG (Nederlandse Java User Group) introduceert een nieuw, digitaal evenement: de NLJUG Masterclass Live. Doormiddel van livestreams krijg je de kans om te leren van de beste Java experts die de wereld te bieden heeft. De eerste Masterclass wordt op 29 april, 16:00 gegeven door Java Champion: Sander Mak (Director of Technology @ Picnic)… Continue reading De eerste editie NLJUG Masterclass Live


GitHub makes its core tools free for all development teams

GitHub has given developers a welcome helping hand during these difficult times by making its core tools free. By: Ryan Daws | TechForge Media. Organisations can now make private repositories without paying any fees. Previously, even small teams would’ve had to pay for a premium membership starting from $7/month. Last year, GitHub made private repositories… Continue reading GitHub makes its core tools free for all development teams


Anbox: Android op Linux – Draai mobiele apps op je distro!

Mis je die handige Android-app of wil je die leuke game van je smartphone ook op Linux spelen? Met Anbox is dat geen probleem. Je moet wat meer moeite doen dan op je mobieltje, maar dan ben je ook niet meer gebonden aan een klein touchscreen. Desnoods speel je de game fullscreen of gebruik je… Continue reading Anbox: Android op Linux – Draai mobiele apps op je distro!


GitLab investeert verder in partnerkanaal met nieuw Partner & Channel-programma

GitLab, aanbieder van een applicatie die ondersteuning biedt voor de complete DevOps-cyclus, lanceerde deze week zijn nieuwe wereldwijde GitLab Partner Programma. Daarmee breidt het bedrijf enerzijds haar marktbereik uit en kunnen klanten anderzijds optimaal profiteren van de toegevoegde waarde van het GitLab platform door een beroep te doen op haar community van technologie- en dienstverleningspartners.… Continue reading GitLab investeert verder in partnerkanaal met nieuw Partner & Channel-programma


Goodbye Python 2: This is the final Python 2.7 release

Python maintainers say good riddance to supporting programming language Python 2.7. After 11 years of supporting programming language Python from the 2.7 branch, the Python Software Foundation has released the last ever update for it and is urging users to move on to Python 3 to continue receiving first-party support.  By: Liam Tung | ZDNet.… Continue reading Goodbye Python 2: This is the final Python 2.7 release


Why you should not remove all the elements of array by reassigning it to []

Understand the tricky behavior while making array empty and learn how to fix it. By: Yogesh Chavan | FrontEnd Weekly. Many times there comes a time when we want to remove all the elements of array may be we are having list of todos and we want to remove all the todos at once. Consider,… Continue reading Why you should not remove all the elements of array by reassigning it to []


Tips to help your team manage Soft Skills

Many years ago, when I first founded my company, JotForm, I thought success came down to finding the right formula. If I could increase my technical skills and do XYZ, then I could reach clear, measurable goals. I thought that being able to demonstrate my abilities was what led to becoming a great leader, but the… Continue reading Tips to help your team manage Soft Skills


Using C# to automate Web application testing in Edge with WebDriver

Microsoft adds support for its Chromium-based browser to the open source Selenium test framework. More and more applications are being built on Web technologies, from familiar Web apps and services, to Electron-hosted JavaScript, to a new generation of stand-alone progressive Web applications. The underlying family of HTML 5 technologies, including JavaScript and CSS along with… Continue reading Using C# to automate Web application testing in Edge with WebDriver
